Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token price stands at $0.006828, with market cap of $55.87M and circulating supply of 8.19B. Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token price is up +31.04% in the last 24 hours and up +35.60% this week.
Market Cap:
24h Volume:
52W Average Vol:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:
Fully Diluted Cap:
Change From ATH:
Change 1 Week:
Change 1 Month:
Change 6 Month:
1D Range:
$0.005072 - $0.01025
1W Range:
$0.004836 - $0.01025
52W Range:
$0.004665 - $0.03637
Circulating Supply:
Basic Info
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token (ALI) Exchanges
For trading Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token (ALI), there are 18 pairs available on 6 exchanges. With 24-hour total trading volumes of $1.17M and $45,806.72, Huobi and Gate.io are also the leading exchanges for Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token.
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token Price History 2025
So far in 12 months, Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token has reached its highest price of $0.05300 in March, 2024 and its lowest price of $0.004665 in March, 2025.
Related Lists
Alethea Artificial Liquid Intelligence Token (ALI) Technical Indicators (DAILY) Beta
The ALI Chart shows that the 14-day RSI stands at 52.94 and STOCH(9,6) stands at 32.83 both imply a sign of neutral, a risk of a price correction or a balance between buying and selling interest in buying interest.
Name | Value | Action |
RSI(14) | 52.94 | Neutral |
STOCH(9,6) | 32.83 | Neutral |
STOCHRSI(14) | 100.00 | Buy |
MACD(12,26) | -0.0007883 | Neutral |
ADX(14) | 34.59 | Buy |
Williams %R | -61.27 | Neutral |
CCI(14) | 165.57 | Buy |
Name | Value | Action |
SMA20 | 0.006102 | Buy |
SMA50 | 0.008032 | |
SMA100 | 0.01029 | |
SMA200 | 0.01071 |