Minneapolis Fed President Kashkari Calls CBDC 'Nonsensical Jargon'
Neel Kashkari, the President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, was a speaker at the Minnesota Transportation Conference and Expo on May 15, where he engaged in a fireside chat. Even though most of his discussion was focused on subjects other than cryptocurrency and blockchain, he did not mince his words when evaluating Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) during the question and answer session following his talk.
Kashkari mentioned that the Fed is actively researching CBDCs. He further added that, according to the Fed's understanding, congressional approval would be required for it to issue its own digital currency.Kashkari commented:"No one has clearly explained the problem that Bitcoin or any digital currency is actually resolving. [...] I can transfer $5 to anyone present here via Venmo right now. [...] So, what unique capability does a central bank digital currency have that Venmo does not?"
He continued:
"It's merely a vague, jumbled mess of words suggesting that it might be superior. [...] However, there's no proof to support that it's actually better."
Kashkari posed a rhetorical question about why China might have chosen to launch its CBDC, and suggested, "In theory, a government could track all your transactions with a central bank digital currency." He then went on to say:
He stated:"Such an approach would not receive support from the Federal Reserve."
Kashkari pointed out additional disadvantages. He mentioned that the government could enforce negative interest rates on an account, stating, "This can't be done with Venmo and we don't intend to do that at the Federal Reserve." He also added that a CBDC would make direct taxation of an account possible.
Speaking to the individual who posed the question, Kashkari said, "I echo many of your worries about privacy. At the Federal Reserve, we have no intention of infringing on the privacy rights of the American citizens."***1655461012680654848***
"I've grown significantly doubtful at this stage," Kashkari admitted. "However, I intend to keep an open mind and await the findings of the ongoing studies."