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Elon Musk's recent tweet about the Milady Maker NFT collection - 'Milady' traditionally referring to an English noblewoman - caused a substantial surge in its trading volume, but the exact nature of this NFT collection remains unclear.
What Is the Milady Maker NFT Collection?
The Milady NFT project, known for its unique collection of 10,000 anime-style female portraits with distinct traits and rarity, and minted on the Ethereum network, gained increased prominence after Elon Musk's tweet. This recognition led to a notable surge in demand and price for these NFTs, tradable on platforms like OpenSea.
The Milady NFT collection also operates by cultivating a devoted community around the NFTs, providing an array of benefits and rewards for owners. These include:- Milady VRtube: This service permits holders to utilize their NFTs as virtual personas for streaming or video conferences.
- Milady Raves: These are exclusive social events for holders in major cities such as NYC, London, and Tokyo.
- Miladycore Bootlegs: This merchandise store offers designer cosmetic imitations adorned with the Milady logos.
- Milady Minecraft Metaverse: This unique Minecraft server, reserved for holders, showcases NFT-exclusive land plots and activities.
Figure 01. Milady NFT collection.
The Milady NFT initiative further maximizes the excitement and influence of prominent individuals like Elon Musk.
What Is the Milady Meme Coin (LADYS)?
The LADYS Milady Memecoin, boasting a total supply of 888 quadrillion tokens, with 50% burned at inception, employs a deflationary model that rewards holders and deters sellers. Each transaction imposes a 10% fee, which is split equally between all token holders and the liquidity pool.
The LADYS token, a memecoin, was launched by an anonymous team. Its roadmap involves three stages, with the final one promising to introduce Milady Merchandise, Milady Academy, and Milady Tools.The link between the LADYS token and the Milady NFT collection is unclear, potentially forming part of a broader marketing effort to boost hype and attract investors. However, the token itself claims only to pay tribute to the NFT collection, without any direct affiliation.Who Is Behind Milady Maker?
Miladys was developed by a cryptocurrency-oriented entity known as Remilia Collective. This organization purports to be a "copylefted brand," fostering a "flourishing ecosystem of derivative projects." Nonetheless, the identity and motives of the developers at the helm of Remilia Collective remain nebulous, since they have not publicly disclosed their identities or offered any means of contact.
Charlotte Fang, also known as Charlie Fang or Charlemagne, the self-proclaimed CEO of Remilia Collective until her resignation in May 2022, is the most controversial figure linked to Milady. She confessed to managing a contentious Twitter account, Miya, notorious for posting slurs and conspiracy theories.Fang claims that his online persona is a satirical performance art and expresses an interest in countering cancel culture and probing the artistic boundaries of NFTs. However, his actions and remarks have incited significant backlash and damage to the Miladys NFT collection and its community.***1527987970862718976***
The Controversy Around Milady
The Milady NFT collection is embroiled in grave accusations involving neonazi symbolism and grooming activities, including:
- A derivative collection titled "Milady, That B.I.T.C.H.," showcased NFTs sporting shirts alluding to Nazi ideology.
- Claims of grooming, promoting suicide, neonazi behavior, racism, and misogyny have been made against a co-founder, who is alleged to have coerced young females into joining his anorexia-oriented cult.
- The connection with provocative internet subcultures and conservative-leaning hipsters in New York who exploit NFTs as a permit for online pranks and unchecked articulation.
Charlotte Fang, a founder of the Milady NFT collection, is gravely accused of leading young girls into his anorexia cult and spearheading Kaliacc, an online neonazi group. Kaliacc allegedly endorsed extreme prejudiced beliefs and actions, and reportedly incited self-harm and suicide amongst its members.
The Milady NFT collection faced backlash for its connection to a spin-off collection, "Milady, That B.I.T.C.H.," featuring NFTs wearing shirts with Nazi references. Following widespread outrage and criticism from the cryptocurrency community, the spin-off collection was swiftly taken down.***1528572556894142464***
Nevertheless, there were efforts made to discredit the accusations against the Milady NFT collection and its founder, Charlotte Fang.
The opposing arguments encompassed various aspects, including:- The absence of substantial evidence and credibility among the accusers, who were discovered to have undisclosed financial motives as competitors of the Milady NFT collection.
- Testimonies and statements from alleged victims who spoke against the cancellation and defended Charlotte Fang.
- Charlotte Fang's explanation and apology, acknowledging that his online persona was a form of satirical performance art devoid of hateful beliefs.
- The backing and unity displayed by the Milady community and the broader cryptocurrency community, recognizing the artistic merit and countercultural principles of the project.
In summary, Miladys remains in the spotlight due to its tumultuous history and the interest it generates from prominent individuals like Elon Musk.