BNB Chain Lists 191 Sketchy DApps & Fake Tokens as Risky & Unreliable

BNB Chain reveals 191 risky DApps and fake tokens in DeFi, promoting vigilance to protect investors and users from scams.
The Binance-developed blockchain, BNB Chain, has expanded its warning list by adding 191 high-risk projects and DApps currently operating on the platform, emphasizing the need for caution among users.
The BNB Chain's warning list, updated every Friday, features projects and DApps considered hazardous investments based solely on smart contract evaluations. The 191 newly added projects on BNB Chain are suspected of issuing counterfeit tokens, charging excessive or unclear fees, or having non-functional websites or Twitter accounts.Figure 01. A glimpse into the high-risk projects on BNB Chain. Source:
The displayed screenshot illustrates a tool for users to assess risks in BNB Chain projects. Among them, three projects - CycGo, Piston token, and Shorter Finance - were marked due to suspicions of being financed by assets originating from Tornado.
"Review our weekly Red Alarm list to stay informed about dubious players on our network," stated BNB Chain's announcement. It's crucial to understand that this alert is not investment guidance and doesn't reflect the risk associated with the DApp projects themselves. Rather, it aims to assist users in conducting research prior to making investment choices.On April 10, BNB Chain initiated the testing of BNB Greenfield, an internal effort to provide decentralized storage solutions.***1646131245800210432***
As reported by Cointelegraph, BNB Greenfield enables users to establish wallets and manage data, while giving developers the ability to control data assets.