Blockchain 101: Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

A decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is run through rules encoded as computer programs called smart contracts instead of being managed by a traditional hierarchical management structure. DAOs are typically built on a blockchain network, a decentralised ledger technology that allows for secure and transparent transactions without intermediaries.
At its core, a DAO is governed by rules and regulations encoded into a smart contract. These rules dictate how the organisation is run, decisions, and allocated funds. The members of the DAO, who can be anyone with an internet connection, hold the power to vote on proposals and determine the organisation's direction.One of the critical features of a DAO is its decentralised nature. Unlike traditional organisations with a hierarchical structure with a single central authority, a DAO is spread across a decentralised network of nodes, making it difficult to shut down or manipulate. DAOs can be used for various purposes, such as managing funds, investing in projects, or creating decentralized applications.Figure 01. DAOs work and features.
The first step in creating a DAO is to define its purpose and objectives. This is done by creating rules encoded as smart contracts on a blockchain. These rules typically include membership requirements, decision-making processes, and how the organisation's funds are managed.
To become a member of a DAO, an individual typically needs to own a certain amount of the organisation's native cryptocurrency or token. This ensures that members have a stake in the organisation and are incentivised to act in its best interests.
DAO Decisions are made through a voting process. Members can submit proposals, and other members can vote for them. The outcome of the vote is then determined by the rules encoded in smart contracts. Some DAOs use a quadratic voting system, giving more weight to members who have invested more in the organisation.
The funds of a DAO are typically managed through smart contracts. Members who contribute funds receive tokens, representing their ownership share in the organisation. Members can also use these tokens to vote on proposals or to transfer ownership to other members.
Once a DAO is set up, it can operate autonomously without central authority or management. The organisation can continue to function and make decisions independently if the rules encoded in the smart contracts are followed.
MolochDAO is a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) created to fund Ethereum-based projects. MolochDAO operates on the Ethereum blockchain, and its members are Ethereum enthusiasts, developers, and investors who share a common goal of supporting the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. Members of the DAO (known as "summoners") pool their funds together and make collective decisions on which Ethereum-based projects to fund.
The decision-making process in MolochDAO is based on a quadratic voting system, which gives more weight to the votes of members who have contributed more funds to the DAO. MolochDAO has already funded several Ethereum-based projects, including the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and Gitcoin Grants. Its success has inspired the creation of other DAOs, and it is seen as a model for decentralised funding of public goods.While DAOs offer several benefits, such as transparency, security, and community-driven decision-making, they also have limitations of DAO that can hinder their effectiveness. Here are some of the limitations of DAOs:
DAOs can only operate on blockchain networks, which are still limited in processing power and capacity. As a result, DAOs may need help to scale up as their membership grows, which could limit their ability to make decisions and carry out complex tasks.
DAOs operate outside traditional legal frameworks, creating regulation, compliance, and accountability challenges. For instance, DAOs may need help managing legal disputes, protecting member rights, or enforcing contracts in court.
DAOs rely on smart contracts, which are only as secure as the underlying blockchain technology. If a blockchain is hacked or compromised, it could result in the loss of funds or assets the DAO holds.
DAOs are designed to operate autonomously, meaning they may lack human oversight in critical areas such as risk management, compliance, or strategy. This could result in decisions needing to be aligned with the interests of the broader community members.
DAOs are typically designed with a specific set of rules and parameters, which can limit their ability to adapt to changing circumstances or new opportunities. This could determine their effectiveness in dynamic markets or rapidly changing environments.
Despite these challenges, DAOs are becoming increasingly popular and used by many organisations to operate decentralized and transparently.